My Essential Mac Freeware
Posted on Jan 18, 2011 - 3:13 PM
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Steve's list of essential mac freeware
all of this stuff definitely runs on Snow Leopard (10.7) and *should* run
on Lion (10.8). Let me know if you find something that doesn't!
system tools and utilities
- Growl (popup notifications from apps):
- Google Notifier (Google mail and calendar alerts)
- DropCopy (local network file copy to other mac users) - I still like this, but haven't had another Lion user to test AirDrop with...
- Grand Perspective (where *did* all my disk space go?)
- AppCleaner (application remover)
- DropBox (Cloud storage that syncs files on your computer)
geeky stuff:
- xMod (tweak hidden system prefs)
- Warp (move between spaces with mouse)
- iStumbler (wireless discovery tool)
- iTerm (a nice terminal replacement)
- iTerm2 (a better nice terminal replacement)
- Name Mangler (bulk file renamer)
quicklook plugins:
- Adium (multiple IM service client - similar to iChat)
- Skype (internet calling, requires free account)
geeky stuff:
- Choose Wisely (web browser chooser when you click on links; make it your default browser via Safari Preferences):
- Google Chrome (web browser):
- Firefox (web browser)
- Dropbox (online file storage and syncing, 2G free - using this link gets us both more space!)
- Google Earth
geeky stuff:
- Transmission (light-weight, mulitplatform BitTorrent client)
- GIMP (graphics program a la Photoshop)
- Seashore (mac-native alternative to the GIMP)
- Inkscape (open source vector graphics editor)
- Skitch (quick image editing and sharing)
- Google Docs (free web browser/cloud-based office suite)
- LibreOffice (an off-shoot of OpenOffice - use this instead of OO!)
development (all geeky)
web development (browser addons):
- VLC (multi-format player)
- Plex (media center)
- Handbrake (DVD to MPEG-4 converter)
- MactheRipper (another DVD extractor)
- Burn (audio/video/data CD/DVD extractor and burner)
- Audacity (audio editor)
- Picasa (Photo editing and organising software from Google - an alternative to iPhoto)
- Quinn (Tetris)
- Stella (Atari 2600 VCS Emulator)
- VICE (Commodore 8-bit computer emulator)
- MacSaber (turn your mac laptop into a lightsaber)
- SeisMac (monitor seismic activity on your laptop)
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