A Little Closer to the Present

Smaller Random Bits from Steve's Mind
Aug 29 07:58
	Wow.  I had this book as a kid, and read it over and over.  I had completely forgotten about it until it showed up on the new BoingBoing Gadget blog. (Amazon , Flickr )

Wow. I had this book as a kid, and read it over and over. I had completely forgotten about it until it showed up on the new BoingBoing Gadget blog. (Amazon , Flickr )

Aug 26 09:58

Hugh Laurie singing “Mystery”. From his appearance on “Inside the Actor’s Studio”.

Aug 22 07:47
Aug 22 07:31
	The new Serenity Collector’s Edition DVD, which arrived at our door late afternoon yesterday.  Shiny!

The new Serenity Collector’s Edition DVD, which arrived at our door late afternoon yesterday. Shiny!

Aug 19 16:42
	Making his ESCape… (seen on Gizmodo)

Making his ESCape… (seen on Gizmodo)

Aug 18 20:02

Aug 18 13:51

Credit Card Charge

Check your Visa statement for July. If you have a charge for “vip tunes limassol” around the 12th for $29.99, you might want to call your card company to dispute the charge. It’s apparently bogus, and originates (by most accounts) in Cypress. We called, and they took the charge off without any problems.

Aug 17 11:09

Thanks to the StarShipSofa podcast, I’ve just learned about Algis Budrys. I’m not sure why I haven’t heard about him before, or why any of this books aren’t in our library, but that will be rectified soon.

Aug 16 10:15

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— (the anti-EULA)
Aug 16 07:47
	This is an actual roundabout in Swindon, called a “multi-mini” roundabout.  Wow. BTW, the orange car is Thursday Next. ;-) (from this blog)

This is an actual roundabout in Swindon, called a “multi-mini” roundabout. Wow. BTW, the orange car is Thursday Next. ;-) (from this blog)