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Category Archives: Fun
A Quick Show of Hands…
OK, how many read the recent xkcd strip and immediately fired up Google Earth to check out the given coordinates?
*raises hand, looks around*
Oh, come on, I *know* there’s more of you than that…
I’m just not sure if the author has an attachment to that area, or if it was a semi-random choice just to make us geeks look it up… 🙂
Fun with Bluetooth
This morning, I brought my car in for regular service, and decided to wait for it (I wouldn’t have had to, they would happily provide me with a loaner, but this was only going to be a couple of hours, and they have wired & wireless Internet access). 5 minutes before my service manager walked in to tell me my car was ready, I already knew: I happened to be looking at my phone and noticed it had connected to the car! I’m not sure exactly where the service bays were from where I was, but I suspect it was the other side of the wall, and my car was close enough to establish contact with the phone when they started it to bring it around. Nice.