This design was launched on October 12th, 2010, the first major overhaul of my site since September 4th, 2005 (thanks, Wayback Machine!) - it was definitely time!
I've tried to make this site as browser-independant as possible, and have tested it on 7 different browsers across four different platforms. Surprisingly, the only one to fail (and miserably so!) was Opera Mini for iPhone (Opera on Windows and Linux were fine). So don't use that one and you'll be fine. :-)
If you notice something horribly wrong, please feel free to send me a note - I take criticism well! Do please tell me which browser and platform you were using...IE6 users need not apply.

Personal Home Page by Steve Elgersma is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.